Ultra Music Festival & Miami Music Week 2018 Preview
We are so stoked to be heading back to Miami Music Week and Ultra Music Festival this year for Ultra’s 20th Anniversary! We know you’re all wondering what we’ll be up to, so we whipped up a preview on the festival, the Miami Music Week events we’ll be attending, and some artists we’ll be checking…
FDVM: The DJ Duo Making Long-Distance Work
How could a DJ duo living on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean possibly be successful? Florent Denecker and Victorien Mulliez, the French DJ duo whose initials form the stage name FDVM, prove that being based in two different countries hasn’t stopped them from breaking into the music industry in a big way. From performing…
Tomorrowland Belgium: 4/5 Stars on TripAdvisor
Tomorrowland Belgium might be the most dreamed-about and elaborate EDM festival in the world. Across the two weekends of the festival this year, 400,000 attendees represented countless countries. I was lucky enough to represent the United States at Weekend 2. Thursday morning, I hopped off my shuttle from the airport and headed towards a huge…
Sydney: Morning Bounces with Kangaroos
Wednesday, May 24th I’m mentally crying as we land in Sydney. It’s 6:45am and the sun is turning the horizon neon pink-orange. The color bleeds into the ocean as I catch the first sight of land. It looks jagged and jungle-y and—STOP THE PLANE—like it’s about to be my next adventure. The flight over couldn’t…
That One Time I Didn’t Take My Flight Home
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 I’m internally freaking out as my dad tells me I’m probably going to miss my flight. He won’t stop talking about how bad the security lines are and tells me to call him if I end up needing him to come back for me. I don’t say anything as we arrive…
Vestibulum commodo volutpat posuere faucibus
Quisque justo augue ut urna eu eros. Sed id elit tincidunt et, fermentum vel, wisi. In vitae erat eget arcu nunc venenatis placerat molestie.
Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed vesti bulum
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Maecenas id tortor. Etiam aliquam convallis. Donec enim vel nulla. Sed eros. Nullam justo dolor, varius nec.
Vivamus sit amet metus sem imperdiet
Bibendum tellus, fringilla ut, eleifend pede id nulla ac ligula at neque. Vestibulum ante sodales neque ut quam placerat id, orci. Integer aliquam. Etiam tempor varius, quam elit justo ac accumsan.
Aenean gravida vitae consequat lorem fermentum
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et malesuada sit amet quam. Aliquam nonummy, tellus ante mollis sodales. Quisque nulla. Suspendisse vitae ante. Donec sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed dignissim vitae, vulputate imperdiet.