First semester of my senior year of college I decide to study abroad. I am late to the game but I realize studying abroad is going to be the easiest way for me to see the world. You have a whole semester of time, you can use your loans and financial aid, and the big one: you’re not a ‘real adult’ yet with a full-time job and limited PTO.
I have about four months in my program in Sheffield, England. Still, I want to do more. I want more time. Naturally I start looking up music festivals and concerts I could possibly go to. I come across this festival called Leeds with an insane lineup. I watch the after-movies and look at pictures. I didn’t want to go, I NEEDED to.
But the date is about a month before my study abroad semester starts and I know absolutely no one going. It’s way too ridiculous. What would I do with all my school stuff or how would I get it to me? How would I get to Leeds? How could I camp? Can I commit to going to a festival completely solo in a different country? Then if I actually go to Leeds, can I handle traveling for another month by myself?
I did my research. I find Facebook groups for solo fest-goers and I quickly become friends with strangers off the internet. We form our own clan (Goon Lagoon). These people I hardly know say they will help me get there, help me with camping and gear, and promise to all have each other’s backs whether that’s pushing to the front of the stage together or finding someone when they’re lost.
I think about it over and over again and jump from completely 100% on board to thinking I am insane. My mom sure thinks I am. There are butterflies in my stomach but I buy the ticket and book my flight.
Everything falls into place as my new friends and I start to plan. I have a ride from Manchester, and Aidan and Laurence say they’re somehow just going to find me when I get there (with no cell service).
Fast forward and I land in Manchester. I’m terrified as it’s my first time being completely on my own in a different country. It’s a miracle, but everything goes according to plan. I hitch a ride with Airiin from Manchester to Leeds and when we get to the fest, Aidan and Laurence magically walk right into me in a crowd of thousands of people.
We have our own campsite full of people from all over (Ireland, the Netherlands, Australia, Estonia, France, Scotland). You never would have guessed that we are all just meeting for the first time. We share some of our fondest memories at LEEDS- seeing our favorite artists together, laughing with one another until it hurts, dancing until the sun comes up.

The end of the weekend comes around and we are all crying as we say goodbye. Looking back, all the things I was so worried about don’t even come to mind when I’m thinking about all the unforettable memories.
I continue on and travel Eastern Europe for a month. I meet more incredible people and am inspired by their stories and their views on how they are going to live out their ideal lives. I am so sad that I have to go start my semester in England when this trip comes to an end. I continue traveling while I study, but it doesn’t compare to my month-long solo adventure.
I get back to the states and second semester comes around. Everyone is applying for jobs, including me. I land a job with my degree and my company is great, my boss is great, but I’m bored out of my mind. I’m upset and frustrated with the work culture and idea of sticking it out in a career that I don’t feel 100% fulfilled by. I’m afraid I’m going to get stuck and never do the things in my life that I want to do that are so important to me. Ever since I got back from my trip I promised myself that in two years, I would travel again.
I kept that promise to myself. I write this post on my bus ride up the coast of Croatia. I am traveling Europe for 3 months and cannot believe I am checking Tomorrowland off my list while I’m here. I am jobless, homeless, and scared shitless that I’m going to run out of money before my return flight. Before I left, my mom asked me if throwing everything I had in Chicago away for just three months of traveling is really worth it. For me, the most important and valuable things in my life are these experiences and the relationships I make with the people I share them with.
Thanks to my goons at Leeds, I believe in the kindness of strangers. I believe that we have the power to make anything we are passionate about become a reality no matter how absurd it seems. I believe the things that are supposed to happen will ultimately find their way to you. I want to make my life into the most beautiful, crazy story I possibly can. I plan on it and I want to share it with you.
Follow me on my current trip in Europe.
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